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Hilda de la Prada

Trainee Client Manager

When did you join the business?
I joined the business in January 2022 and am therefore the newest member of the team.

What’s your day to day job role?
I spend the greatest part of my time doing some bookkeeping, reconciling accounts and supporting my team by taking on some of their tasks. I also do director’s payroll and day to day admin jobs.

What skills make you good at your role?
I have a very curious mind and will try to understand the logic between every task I am given. I love numbers and can’t leave alone a good problem.

What do you find most rewarding about your job at Together Accounting?
I love the satisfaction of achieving the expected result, the happiness that comes from understanding a concept I was trying to get my head around and being able to see my improvement when looking back.

What do you do when you’re not at Together Accounting?
Depending on my mood, I might be out for drinks, watching a series curled up in a blanket, reading a book written hundreds of years ago about the Trojan war or one that deals with the latest accounting techniques, trying a new hobby I suddenly developed an interest for… Anything and everything really.


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